What is Momenzo, you ask?
In their words: Mobile App for Listing Videos
Create branded videos in minutes and instantly enhance your online listing exposure.
When we discover an app like this we take notice. Whilst video is an offering we have as a business, the tech that you have in your pocket is hard to ignore. What you can do with your phone, and a little skill, is pretty amazing these days! So we all need to embrace it, it is content you can easily produce for little to zero cost.
We wrangled our Head Videographer Chris into reviewing the app and the features it has.
We asked him to create a basic property video and then showcase some of the other filming features the app has. The results are PREEETTTTY dam god.
This is the basic real estate video, combining multiple shots ( like you would see with a standard property video)
And here are some features you can add to your videos including an intro, Minilapse, and a sped-up shot.
What we love about the app?
Easy to use and have tutorials to help you along the way.
Features like speed up and timelapse give your videos that professional look.
The app edits the video for you!
It's a cheap subscription at $29 a month for unlimited video production! We have a promo code for a cheeky discount, use: CRIBCREATIVE10
You can load your logo, add property details and use templates like sold and just listed for your videos or not. Its up to you, but there are tons of templates to choose from.
Chris’s Final Thoughts on Momenzo:
I like that you can make a video in either portrait or landscape so you can do one for socials and another for YouTube to attach to your listing
If you keep it simple you can make a really good video with the app
You can also get quite creative with it when you’re comfortable filming with your phone
I like how you can import images and videos from your phone so you can show floorplans, virtual furniture images and even drone photos & videos while talking over them.
A phone gimbal would make filming easier
Chris’s Tips:
Keep your phone straight, level and avoid tilting up and down too much when filming key areas. Lining up the vertical lines of walls with the sides of your screen helps.
When recording yourself keep your arm straight and stiff & at or above eye height to help keep a consistent & steady shot whilst avoiding unflattering angles.
Use the cabled headphones that came with your phone when recording voice overs. The microphones in these are surprisingly good!
If you’re getting someone to help you film your intro make sure you’re talking within 2 metres of the phone otherwise the audio will sound really bad.
We would love your thoughts on Momenzo! Is this a game-changer for you?