It seems like everyone is throwing themselves into the Instagram vortex, some do it well, others not so well.
In our opinion, agents should be managing their own Instagrams and for very good reason! It is your business and you live it every day, so document it! Gone are the days where this is an outsourced medium ( unless done very well by a company that understands your brand, who you are as a person and the real estate industry as a whole)
Think about the accounts you follow, do you follow them to be constantly sold a product or do you want to see their brand personality, the faces behind the brand, education and the stories good and bad? I believe for most, it's the latter.
So in saying that, here is our top 5 Perth Real Estate Insta pages to go and follow, they all do it differently, but they all do it so well!
1. The Perth Property Co - @theperthpropertyco

Nads and Dan run a solid operation and their product is different from most agents, being that they style and stage a property as well as sell it.
Their feed is aesthetic and concentrates on their properties but their stories are where it all comes to life. From daily antics to the grind, they show it all, swearing and mishaps a plenty!
2. Miles Garner - Realmark - @milesgarnerrealmarkurban

If you are inclined to a little humor with a side of property, Miles is your guy. And his Reel game strong also. You really get a sense of who Miles is from his Instagram and there is no faking it here! He is honest and funny yet it looks like he works very hard and loves what he does. If I was a vendor I would want to deal with Miles based on his Instagram, because I know what I am getting. We also very much enjoy the kid and mustache content!
3. Duet Property Group - @duetproperty

As far as agency Instagram pages go, Duet nail it. So much beautiful real estate, local information and business support ( which we love - always support local guys), office antics and funnies, tips and tricks and the list goes on. A lot of planning would go into this page but the payoff is 10,000 plus followers who see this excellent content daily, keeping the brand front and center when a local decides to sell! Bravo.
4. Daniel Caccamo - @scarboroughlocal

As the name suggests, Dan is a scabs local and it shows. His relaxed approach and mix of Real estate and personal content is spot on and exactly how an agent's Instagram should be. I feel like I know Dan, want to swim with him on his daily dip and eat the yummy Italian food he seems to always be cooking! Big points for the casual dress attire also, agents aren't always in a suit these days!
5. Red Fox - @redfox_property

Uber local, the Red Fox page is more of a local directory, where you can go and find out everything that is happening in Inglewood and surrounds. Nat's penned "Heard in the Hood" is absolutely brilliant and you would be crazy not to follow just for this piece of gold, if you were a local. We know you are busy, but we want to see more of you, RED FOX, on stories!